Focus, focus, focus for JKAE sandan success

Congratulations to our chief instructor, Sensei Miranda Giles (nee Price*), for passing her sandan (3rd dan) JKAE grading on Saturday 4 December 2021.

It was a long, long day at K2 sports facility in Crawley, West Sussex. Luckily the M25 played nicely on the journey both there and back. The day started at 11am with two hours’ training from Sensei Ohta. The dan gradings followed in the afternoon – shodan, nidan and sandan. Sensei Miranda was called at 17.20. By that time she’d consumed a large quantity of coffee, and warmed up and down at least five times.

As with karate training, the gradings comprise kihon (basics), kata (Sensei Miranda chose Bassai Dai) and kumite (free fighting – her favourite). Was she nervous? Course she was but, the minute she got on the floor, it was focus, focus, focus.

Sensei Miranda new 3rd dan 1 scaled
Sensei Miranda new 3rd dan 2 scaled

Hard work but passing sandan makes it all worthwhile

“To be honest it was all a bit of a blur until I heard Sensei Ohta say ‘Miranda Price*: passed Sandan’. And oh, the relief and joy!”

As with all karateka training for their grading, Miranda has worked hard, particularly over the past three years. Not just training in the dojo but also with her PT in the gym, out running with her dog Evie and participating in muddy assault courses (OK, that was for fun).

“I’ve worn out 3 gis, trained at over 15 different dojos, my black belt’s whiter from wear, and my hair’s a little greyer!”  Was it worth it? “YES, absolutely!”

She thanks all her friends, family and her club for their love and support. She’s also enormously grateful to her own Sensei Adel Ismail for all his training, guidance and good humour.

Right, now for her yondan…

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