Miranda’s karate blog


The Karate Blog

Articles and stories expanding and exploring our favourite subject – the wonderful world of karate.

Karate black belt for Adam Sharp

Karate black belt for Adam Sharp

New shodan for Harpenden JKA Harpenden JKA has a new karate black belt; 17 year old Adam Sharp. After several months of focused training, and many years of hard work and determination, Adam was awarded his Shodan on Sunday 27 June 2021.Adam with Sensei Miranda on his...

Zoom karate

Zoom karate

"Oh hello... I can't see you - just pop your video on. Now I can't hear you ... THERE you are - hello, how you doing...?! "You've gone again, oh, there you are... no, that's Mimi the dog... "OK everyone, put yourselves on mute and let's get going! Welcome to virtual...

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